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Trellix ePOAdv 5.10: ePolicy Orchestrator 5.10 Advanced Topics

Trellix (McAfee) University Trainings 4 Tage

Dieses Training baut auf dem fünftägigen ePO Grundkurs - ePolicy Orchestrator auf. Es setzt bereits tiefgreifendes Wissen im Umgang mit der ePO Verwaltung und der AV Schutzsysteme von McAfee (Trellix) voraus. In diesem erweiterten Seminar werden Informationen und Kenntnisse in der Systempflege und erweiterten Verwaltung vermittelt.

Folgende Themen werden u.a. vermittelt:

  • Migrations- Szenarien
  • Multiple ePO Umgebungen
  • Monitoring und Optimierung der ePO Anwendung und SQL Datenbank
  • Desaster Recovery
  • Performance Optimizer und Support Erweiterung
  • Web API Programmierung (Basis und Beispiele)
  • Protection Workspace
  • Lokale und Cloud ePO Verbindung
  • Logging und Reporting
  • Indikatoren für Kompromittierungen (IoCs)


  • Systemadministratoren
  • Virenschutzbeauftragte
  • Verantwortliche für die Planung, Konzeption und Implementierung von organisationsweiten Virenschutzlösungen, auf Basis von McAfee Produkten. 
  • Erfahrene IT-Profis, die den ePO 5.10 noch näher kennenlernen wollen und das Training ePO Grundkurs - ePolicy Orchestrator 5.10 bereits absolviert haben.

Voraussetzungen für die Schulung

  • Fundiertes Wissen als Systemadministrator
  • Kenntnisse und praktische Erfahrungen im Netzwerk- sowie Anwendungsumfeld der Windows Betriebssysteme, sowie Virenschutzsysteme in Unternehmen. 
  • Voraussetzung ist das 5 Tages ePO Seminar oder bereits fundierte praktische Erfahrung im Umgang mit ePO Verwaltung und Steuerung. 
  • Dieser Kurs bietet Auffrischung für erfahrene ePO Administratoren und ist auf Optimierung, Überwachung und Erweiterungen vorhandener ePO Systemlandschaften ausgelegt.
5.062,95 € zzgl. 19% USt.
6.024,91 € inkl. 19% USt.


Die Kurssprache ist Deutsch, aber die Seminarunterlagen sind in Englisch, wie auch die ausführlichen Trainingsinhalte:

Become familiar with McAfee information and support resources and feedback mechanisms.

Identify installation requirements, recommendations, and best practices; identify and distinguish between the different deployment options for a new installation; install the McAfee ePO software.

Identify options for migrating the McAfee ePO server and database to new servers; perform post-migration tasks.

Multiple McAfee ePO Server Features:
Configure rollup in a multi-server environment; register a server onto a local McAfee server, set up rollup server task, and set up rollup queries; move managed systems between servers using the Transfer System features; share policies in a multiserver environment.

Monitoring and Optimizing McAfee ePO Software Performance:
Identify and utilize the best practices for monitoring and optimizing McAfee ePO software; explain how to use Performance Counters to monitor McAfee ePO server performance.

Performance Optimizer:
Describe the key features and functionalities of Performance Optimizer; use the Performance Optimizer tool to troubleshoot a McAfee ePO software performance issue; explain how to monitor the database health using Performance Optimizer.

McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator Support Center:
Describe the features and capabilities of McAfee ePO Support Center; explain how to use Support Center features to determine useful information regarding your McAfee ePO servers and installed products. 

Protection Workspace:
Describe the Protection Workspace feature; explain how to check in the Protection Workspace extension into McAfee ePO software; explain how to use Protection Workspace to monitor your environment. 

Logging and Reporting:
Describe and explain the functionality of the available McAfee ePO console log files; identify the commonly used agent, installation, and server log files; explain the basic troubleshooting for the agent, installation, and server log files; describe how to report on SNMP traps using McAfee ePO software.

McAfee Agent:
Describe and explain the functionality of the available McAfee Agent log files; identify the commonly used agent, installation, and server log files; explain the basic troubleshooting for the agent, installation, and server log files. Explain how to use the Single System Troubleshooting tool that is provided with the McAfee Agent 5.6.1.

SNMP Reporting and Data Channel Troubleshooting:
Describe how to report on SNMP traps from another server registered to your McAfee ePO server; describe how to troubleshoot the Data Channel.

Monitoring SQL:
Define the strategies for basic SQL server design; identify best practices for maintaining SQL databases; explain how to manage database health using SQL tools and commands; define steps for identifying and managing large tables; use the McAfee ePO Purge Events Server task to reduce database size growth; explain how to run the main SQL queries used by Performance Optimizer; determine which SQL queries or services are utilizing the most resources in the SQL database.

SQL Maintenance:
Define steps for backing up the McAfee ePO database in SQL; define steps for creating a maintenance plan for the McAfee ePO database.

McAfee ePO Web Application Program Interface (API):
Configure the McAfee ePO server for scripting; use Python scripting to extract data from SQL database; run advanced queries in scripts; explain how to get SIEM data from McAfee ePO software using the Web API.

McAfee Agent Relay:
Identify a use-case list of where a McAfee Agent RelayServer can be useful; identify the port(s) that need to be open for using a RelayServer; identify how to configure the agent policy so that it can use the RelayServer; identify how to install a Windows and Linux agent to use RelayServer on a remote subnet.

McAfee ePO Endpoint Deployment Kit (McAfee EEDK):
Explain how to create and test McAfee ePO packages; explain how to get feedback in McAfee ePO CustomProps; identify how to use McAfee EEDK to deploy forensic tools; identify how to use McAfee EEDK to deploy Profiler for collection of performance reports; explain the process for McAfee ePO software migration and consolidation using the McAfee EEDK-packaged McAfee Agent.

Disaster Recovery:
Describe the disaster recovery feature and how it works; explain how to use a server task to take a regular Snapshot; take a Snapshot from the Dashboard; identify the three main steps for manual disaster recovery; explain the procedures for manual disaster recovery.

Describe how to customize and design custom queries; explain best practices when designing queries.

Indicators of Compromise (IoCs):
Using McAfee ePO tools, find IoCs; describe how to analyze threat events; identify the actions for verifying the source of the infection; identify the steps for optimizing the security and performance of your systems; explain how to use the GetSusp tool to help locate and log undetected malware; explain how to use the GetClean tool to help minimize false-positive detections.

Agenda und Seminarplan

  • Erster Tag
  • Zweiter Tag
  • Dritter Tag
  • Vierter Tag
  • Course Introduction
  • Installation and Cumulative Updater
  • Migration
  • Multiple ePolicy Orchestrator server features
  • Monitoring and optimizing ePolicy Orchestrator performance
  • Performance Optimizer
  • ePolicy Orchestrator Support Center
  • Protection Workspace
  • Logging and reporting
  • Agent Logging and reporting
  • SNMP Reporting & Data Channel Troubleshooting
  • Monitoring SQL
  • SQL Maintenance
  • Web Application Programming Interface (API)
  • Agent Relay
  • ePolicy Orchestrator Endpoint Deployment Kit (EEDK)
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Advanced Queries
  • Customizing Queries – Result Types and Charts
  • Customizing Queries – Columns and Filtering
  • Indicators of Compromise (IOC

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Termine für Trellix ePOAdv 5.10: ePolicy Orchestrator 5.10 Advanced Topics

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Michaela Berger
Michaela Berger